5 Beginner Pickleball Strategies to Beat Your Friends

Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills, these five beginner strategies will give you the edge you need to beat your friends (or your enemies!).

With over three years of experience as a player and instructor, I've seen firsthand how these tactics can transform your game.

Let's get started!

#1 - Always Get to the Kitchen Line ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ

The kitchen line is prime real estate in pickleball, and your goal should be to get there as quickly as possible. Why? Because being at the kitchen line gives you the best chance to hit putaway shots and dominate the game.

Return and Run

After you return the serve, make a beeline for the kitchen line. Don't hang back in the middle of the court, as this puts you on the defensive. At the line, you can take advantage of high balls and make offensive plays.

Approach Softly

If your opponent is already at the kitchen line, avoid hitting hard shots from the middle. Instead, dink softly to advance to the line without giving them easy attack opportunities.

Drive and Drop Combo

Mix up your approach by driving the first ball and then dropping the next. This strategy keeps your opponents guessing and allows you to effectively close in on the kitchen line.

#2 - Shading: Cover the Court Properly ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Shading involves adjusting your position based on where the ball is on the court. This tactic enhances your anticipation and reaction speed, ensuring you're always ready for the next shot.

Move Together

When you or your partner dinks, both of you should take a step in the direction of the ball and point your paddles that way. This movement cuts down open space and prepares you for the next return.

Paddle Tracking

Always point the tip of your paddle toward the ball's location. This keeps you in the optimal position to react to your opponent's shots and prevents getting caught off guard.

#3 - Target the Opponent Who Is Further Back ๐ŸŽฏ

In doubles play, if your opponents are staggered with one closer to the net and the other further back, target the one further back. This positioning makes it easier to control the rally and reduces the chances of engaging in risky hands battles at the net.

Down to Their Feet

Hitting to the opponent farther back gives you a better angle to aim for their feet, making it challenging for them to return the shot effectively.

#4 - Down the Middle Solves the Riddle (Dink HERE) ๐Ÿงฉ

When dinking, aim for the middle of the court. This simple strategy offers multiple advantages:

Creates Confusion

Opponents may hesitate or be unsure of who should take the shot, leading to errors or weak returns.

Lower Net

The net is slightly lower in the middle, providing a safer passage for your shots.

Team Coordination

Agreeing with your partner to dink down the middle helps both players anticipate the ball's location, improving your team's overall reaction time.

#5. Adopt the Mindset of "Make Them Hit One More Ball" ๐Ÿคจ

Pickleball is often a game of errors rather than spectacular winners. Focusing on consistency and minimizing mistakes will usually outplay flashier, riskier strategies.

Patience Wins

Encourage your partner to avoid speeding up the ball until you've hit at least 10 dinks in a rally. This mindset reduces errors and forces opponents to make the first mistake.

By integrating these strategies into your game, you'll not only improve your skills but also gain a competitive edge over your friends.

Remember, the key to winning in pickleball is consistency and smart play. Good luck out there, and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and my newsletter for more tips and tricks! ๐ŸŒŸ


The EXACT Skills Needed To Go From a 4.0 to a 5.0 Level Pickleball Player