The Perfect Strategy to Win Your First Tournament

If you're gearing up for your first (or tenth) pickleball tournament, I’m sure you’re super excited 🎉, but also a little nervous.

So, I thought it would be good to share with you some things I’ve learned over the last three years competing at some of the highest levels.

I promise if you use these tips, you’re going to have success and increase the chances of you walking away with Gold. 🥇

Here are my tips for developing the perfect tournament strategy

Strategy #1 - Don't Attack First 🧠

The first strategy doesn't even involve hitting the ball; it's all about your mindset. Remember, pickleball is not a game of flashy highlights but a game of minimizing errors. The player who makes the fewest mistakes often comes out on top.

Pro Tip: Tell yourself and your partner, "We won't speed up the ball until we hit at least 10 dinks."

By playing passively and focusing on consistent, controlled shots, you'll find that your opponents often make the first mistake. This approach takes the pressure off you to make every shot perfect and lets you settle into the game.

Strategy #2 - Third Shot: Drive vs. Drop 🤔

Next, let's discuss the all-important third shot. You might have heard about the third shot drop, but I recommend starting with the third shot drive, especially if it's your first tournament.

Why a Drive?

At a lower-level tournament, everyone, including your opponents, might be a bit nervous. A third shot drive down the middle, at 70% power, can catch them off guard, cause confusion, or even result in a lucky net cord. The goal isn't to win the point outright but to set yourself up for an easier fifth shot.

Pro Tip: If your opponents handle the drives well, mix in some third-shot drops.

The drop shot is a safer, more controlled approach to getting to the kitchen line, but remember, it puts pressure on you to execute perfectly.

Strategy #3 - Dink Smart: Aim for the Middle 🎯

When you're at the kitchen line, dinking is key. Imagine there's a hula hoop in the center of the court, and aim to place 60-70% of your dinks there.

Why the Middle?

Dinking to the middle is the safest bet. It keeps the ball away from your opponent's attack zone and minimizes the chance of a counterattack.

Plus, the net is slightly lower in the middle, making it a more forgiving target. This strategy also helps with team communication and positioning, as both you and your partner will know where the ball is likely to go.

Strategy #4 - Shading: Proper Court Coverage 👯

Shading is all about proper court coverage. No matter where your opponents are, you and your partner should adjust your positioning based on where the ball is hit.

How to Shade: If you hit the ball to the left, take a step in that direction and point your paddle toward that area. This move improves your reaction time and covers the most likely return path.

It’s a proactive way to prepare for the next shot and keeps you from being caught off guard.

Strategy #5 - Which Player Covers Middle?

One of the most debated topics in pickleball is who should cover the middle.

The simple rule is that the player diagonal from where the ball comes from should cover the middle, regardless of whether it's their forehand or backhand side.


This positioning gives you the best chance to react to the fastest ball. Your partner should cover their own side and any shots aimed directly at them. While there are exceptions to this rule, sticking to it as a general principle will help avoid confusion and missed shots.

Final Thought: Play Not to Lose 💡

In pickleball, and especially in your first tournament, the best strategy is often to play not to lose rather than to play to win. Stay calm, extend the rallies, and let your opponents make mistakes. The longer the rally, the more likely it is that your cool head will prevail.

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If you found these tips helpful, don't forget to subscribe to my channel and check out my newsletter for exclusive content!

Ready to dominate your first tournament? Remember, it's all about staying calm, making smart choices, and, most importantly, having fun! Good luck! 🤞


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