How to Hit a Backhand Dink in Pickleball Like a Pro

In this video, I’m going to show you how to backhand dink like the pros.

Let’s get into it!

#1 - Footwork is the foundation 🦶

As a ball approaches, I always step first with my back foot, then my front foot—NOT the other way around. This allows us to use our weight and momentum to carry our paddle through the ball.

If you do front foot to back foot, it’s the opposite, and you end up off-balanced.

To drill this: Have your partner hit crosscourt dinks your way while you focus on moving your back foot, then front foot, and using your momentum to carry back through the ball as you dink it back.

#2 - Use the correct setup ✋

Commonly, this is taught online using a Nike swoosh. This is incorrect. When the ball approaches, you should be able to determine where the ball will bounce and then prep your paddle at the correct angle as though you’re going to catch the ball.

Doing this limits movement right before hitting the shot. This means fewer pop-ups and more control over your backhand dinks.

To drill this: Focus on locking your wrist and not using it to chop at the ball.

#3 - Take it back just inside the back hip 🕺

Another common problem players have is taking their paddle back too far when backhand dinking. You want to start your paddle (remember to prep it here early) in line with your back hip.

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#4 - Keep everything linear 👉

Besides having too long of a backswing, many players will have too long of a forward swing. When you move your paddle through the ball, you want to keep everything linear.

That means not swinging your arm across your body but just toward your target.

Remember, it’s not a swoosh like others say it is.

Put it all together 🤩

To improve your backhand dinks remember:

  1. Feet

  2. Set paddle

  3. Linear

When we do this, it breaks it down simply for you.

Some of my favorite drills

Here are some of my favorite backhand dink drills.

Drill #1 - Pressure 😓

You dink crosscourt with no speedups. You play to five points, but the catch is, if you hit the ball into the net, then your score goes back to zero.

This really forces you to focus on every single dink and stay consistent and patient while utilizing your backhand.

Also, focus on moving your dinks around - don’t just hit the same spot repeatedly.

Drill #2 - The Escape Room 🗝️

For this drill, you limit yourself to only being able to dink to your opponent’s inside foot. But your opponent can move you anywhere along your side of the kitchen.

This forces you to feel like you’re getting pinched and pressured while you dink, forcing you to hit neutral dinks to the safest spot on the court.

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How a Two-Handed Backhand Will Transform Your Pickleball Game