How to Get Lightning ⚡️ Fast Hands 👋

Hey, Picklers! 🙂

The Watch Party was an absolute hit!

Being able to go play-by-play through the match and answer any questions you guys had was a new level of learning for those who attended.

I found it very valuable to connect with the audience in a real-time setting. The next live watch party will be after my next deep tournament run…so very soon.


In today’s email:


  • 👀 Did you see the WATCH PARTY?

  • ⏱️ Get your 60-second fix

  • 💪 What I’m working on right now

Let’s GO!

How to Get FAST HANDS 👋⚡️

People often think that having fast hands is all about power or speed. This is completely false. 🙅‍♂️

Instead, developing fast hands can be done by anyone if they use the proper technique.

Here’s how to get fast hands 👋⚡️ in pickleball:

👇 Get the ball down

The first thing to understand about fast hands is that you should be aiming below the waist of your opponent. 😬 If you can get the ball down, it forces your opponent to hit up on the next ball, making it easier for you to crush it. 🤩

👃Look through your nose at the paddle

For technique, you should be able to see the paddle edge by looking down your nose. Too many players keep their paddles too low, preventing them from being ready for a speedup or counter. 🐢

Interestingly, so many players think they are holding their paddle up high enough until I show them where they should be holding it. Wherever you think you should be holding the paddle, I can almost guarantee you could hold it even higher. So get it up! 🙋‍♂️

🏌️‍♀️ Paddle upright, snap wrist

A common mistake taught by many coaches is that players should keep their paddles sideways when countering a shot. This is completely wrong. 😑

Think about it – how can you possibly hit down on the ball if your paddle is sideways? 🤔

Instead, your paddle should be upright and you should snap your wrist as the ball comes your way. 🫰


To practice this, put a ball under your armpit and hit backhand volleys back and forth with a partner or against a wall. This will force you to keep your paddle tip upright and help you keep a short swing.

If at any time the ball falls, your swing was too big. ✅

Did you miss the WATCH PARTY?! 🎉

You can watch and hear me discuss the APP Newport Beach Semi-Final match with Kyle “ThatPickleballGuy” Koszuta as we battle Will Howells (who just won the BCO MLP Tournament with the New Jersey 5s 🤡) and Patrick Kawka.

See it here 👇

🎉WATCH PARTY🎉 Semi-Finals Match Live

I also answer questions from the viewers! 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

Difference Between Aggressive Dinks and Dead Dinks! 🤔💭

Some dinks make you 😃, while others make you 💀.

Learn the difference between aggressive dinks and dead dinks


What I’ve been working on this past week

I went into full “dissection mode” 🕵️ of my game since I did so well in the last tournament. Watching my film, breaking down my every move, to do even better in the next one!

I have a two-handed cross-court dink with my backhand; I just never use it due to a lack of confidence. 😨

This past week, I made sure to spend 25 minutes each day ONLY hitting this shot. It is lethal to have in your bag because it allows you to disguise a speed-up. 🥸

The game-changer for me with this shot was having my paddle tip down 👇when beginning the stroke. I used to have it sideways, 🫱 however, pointing it straight down gave me MUCH more spin, making for a very consistent shot.

Needless to say, I’m excited to break this out in the next tournament! 🧨


How to Handle a Slice 🍕


We Beat the Number 1 Seed 🤯